Birth of a new breed

1 min readNov 23, 2020

So the time has finally come for the release of the hatchery, where players get to hatch their eggs (TME) into virtual pets (TAMAG).


The TAMAG token is a NFT ERC721 token that represents your virtual pet. It will be minted with random stats, and will be tradeable on opensea.

Contract address: 0xa6D82Fc1f99A868EaaB5c935fe7ba9c9e962040E


The hatchery is the one and only place for eggs to hatch into TAMAGS. Users will submit their 1 TME to be birth into a TAMAG. Here are the rules:

  1. 1 TME is needed for 1 egg.
  2. Each user can only have 2 concurrent eggs in the hatching process. If you want to add more TMEs, hatch the current eggs that are ready for birth first.
  3. There is a 5% failure rate of hatching.
  4. Eggs that fail to hatch will have a ‘tombstone’ animation. They do not count towards the limit of 2 eggs in the hatchery.
  5. Regardless of whether it is successful or not, the 1 TME given is burnt.
  6. The egg starts as a dull grey color, it will get its color across time at around 12hours into the incubation.
  7. Random stats will be rolled for each TAMAG that is hatched.
  8. Special labels of ‘OG1’ will be assigned to the first 30 eggs which enter the hatchery.
  9. Special labels of ‘OG2’ will be assigned to the next 30 eggs which enter the hatchery.
  10. The OG1 and OG2 labels will have additional benefits later on in staking for TMC, in battle arena etc. Stay tuned!

Contract address: 0x4A5783F706782475f9EF2089D44fdf76F38e7D60

May the best hatchers win!




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