V2 — staking release

2 min readDec 12, 2020

It’s time for the next milestone of the NiFTygotchi universe: staking.

A new token of TMC will be introduced and it will be the currency that is used throughout the NiFTygotchi ecosystem. We will begin distribution of the tokens via yield farming! You get to stake your token and more excitedly — your TAMAGs to get rewards!

Uses of TMC:

There are lots of planned uses for TMC. Here are some of the features to look forward to (the list is always expanding😊)

  1. Currency to buy clothes and accessories for your TAMAG
  2. Currency to buy other in-game items to increase staking yield
  3. Currency to buy other in-game items for nursery usage
  4. Currency to buy other in-game items for battle arena usage
  5. To fund for continuous development of the project + establish a locked liquidity pool for the project. (refer to tokenomics)

TMC tokenomics:

On every transfer, 4% is taken for the following:
1% for dev funds
1% burn
1% to reward liquidity providers of TMC/ETH pool
1% to add to TMC/ETH pool and lock liquidity forever.

Emission: 40TMC per block, halving of rewards every 2 weeks.
Initial liquidity pool: 30TME(from treasury) paired with 30000TMC.

Addition/removal of liquidity is excused from the 4% burn

Total approx supply (Due to halving every 2 weeks):
2 weeks = 80640 blocks = 3.2mil TMC @ 40TMC per block.
week 0–2 = 3.2mil TMC distributed
week 2–4 = 1.6 mil TMC distributed
week 4–6 = 0.8 mil TMC distributed
Final max supply = 6.4mil TMC after many many weeks..

Here are the type of pools to expect:

  1. Token staking pools:
    TME pool — 12% of rewards
    TMC pool — 12% of rewards
    TME/TMC pool — 20% of rewards
    TME/ETH pool — 20% of rewards
    (TMC/ETH pool will be launched in the future)
  2. TAMAG staking pools:
    36% of rewards

The token staking pools can be accessed from the jukebox in the staking app, while the TAMAG staking pools is located in the kitchen, accessed with the OPEN sign.




Welcome to 2021, the year of NFTs. Join us in building our very own niftygotchi universe! Join us at t.me/niftygotchi :)